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Wrestling remains one of the most popular sports for high school students, but it’s also one of the toughest. Between having to maintain or cut weight, learn and master new techniques, and have the endurance to last for up to three rounds while your opponent is physically trying to pin you to the ground, wrestlers definitely have their work cut out for them. With that being said, here are some tips that will help you get started as a new wrestler.

Master The Takedown

The takedown is the key to winning a wrestling match. Not only does it score you two points, but it can lead to a near fall (also worth two or three points) or a pin (which wins you the match). A takedown can be executed in a number of ways, but they all involve maintaining a strong stance with your feet spread apart and your knees bent. You also need to execute your penetrating move, such as shooting forward and grabbing both legs around the knees, as soon as you see an opening.

Learn New Techniques

You’ll probably have a few go-to moves that you will use in a typical wrestling match, but you should always be learning and practicing new techniques whenever you can. You obviously won’t perform these moves perfectly if you’ve just learned them, but perfecting them could give you the edge that you need during a tough match. Wrestling is a more strategic sport than many people know, so having more techniques in your repertoire will give you more ways to out-maneuver your opponents.

Watch Your Weight

There are fourteen different weight classes in high school wrestling, and they have some fairly strict requirements. If you want to stay in the same weight class during your entire wrestling career, you will need to keep a close eye on your weight. This means sticking to a healthy diet of lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Eating several small meals a day and avoiding heavy meals late in the afternoon or evening will make it easier to manage your weight. Also, don’t rely on last-minute fasting or a punishing workout to lose weight quickly. That strategy does work for short-term weight loss, but it is really hard on your body and your metabolism.

Stay Positive

Wrestling is a mental sport as much as it is physical, so it’s important that you stay positive. Think about how much you’ve trained and how well-prepared you are before a match. Visualize yourself performing an expert takedown that leads to a near fall or pin. Most importantly, visualize yourself winning. There is no guarantee that you’ll win your next match, but the proper mindset will always help.